1. Objective

To promote the memory of F9NL, a pioneer of UHF, by involving as many stations and countries as possible in a single event.

  1. Start / End Dates of the Challenge

From September 15, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to September 29, 2024, at 23:59 UTC.
Contacts made during the F9NL Contest will be counted for the TM9NL diploma.

  1. YL / OM And SWL QSO Award.

A Award will be awarded following QSOs or reception reports with the special event station TM9NL during the period indicated in point 2 of these rules.
Two-way QSOs with report exchanges are valid (R/S in SSB, R/S/T for CW, R/S for DIGI).

  1. Bands

The TM9NL challenge will cover the following bands :

  • HF :160- 80 - 60 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 17 - 15 - 12 - 10 m
  • VHF : 6 - 2 m
  • UHF : 70 cm
  • Hyper : 23 cm
  1. Modes

The following modes will be activated by the official TM9NL station and will count towards the score

  • Phone / SSB AM and FM
  • CW
  • DIGI
  • SSTV
  1. Scores / QSO

To obtain the TM9NL Award, you must contact the TM9NL station a specified number of times as outlined below:


  •   On VHF, UHF, SHF exclusively, 2 QSOs during the event will be required to obtain the Award, with a maximum of 1 QSO per mode per band per day.


  • · On HF, or mixed HF, VHF/UHF/SHF, 5 QSOs Europe station  and 2 QSOs only for DX station outside Europe, will be required with a maximum of 1 QSO per mode per band per day.


7.     AWARD & QSL

The Certificate obtained can be downloaded in high-resolution A4 format, without registration, via the platform https://www.qrz.com/db/TM9NL just one week after the end of the Challenge.


QSL cards can also be downloaded via the platform http://www.eqsl.cc &  HRDLOG.
It will not be necessary to send your log, as only QSOs recorded and validated by the special event station TM9NL will count towards the score.