REGULATIONS Permanent Validity 2024

      1. OBJECTIVE

  1.     This short-duration contest is held in tribute to our friend F9NL, Maurice LACROUTS, a true pioneer of the 70 cm band, known to many of us, who passed          away in 1983
  3.      The contest takes place on the Sunday of the third full weekend of September, from 0500 UTC to 1000 UTC.
  4.  3. BAND

  5.       432 MHz.
          Two zones:
    • Zone 1: Departments 65, 64, 40, 32, 31.
    • Zone 2: Other French departments and foreign countries.
  7.  5.REPORTS
          RS(T) + QSO number starting from 001 + QTH Locator.
  8.  6.POINTS
          1 point/km regardless of the zone.

    • Zone 1: None
    • Zone 2:
      • QSO between stations in the same zone: pts/km x 1.
      • QSO with stations in Zone 1: pts/km x 2.
    • TM9NL (if used):
      • QSO with Zone 1 station: pts/km x 2
      • QSO with Zone 2 station: pts/km x 4
  10.  8.TOTAL SCORE
         It is the sum of the points/km x multiplier for each QSO.
          Three rankings:
    • Regional F9NL Trophy for Zone 1 (Regional trophy awarded to the winner by the president of REF65 for one year during the REF65 AGM).
    • National F9NL Trophy for Zone 2. Only stations that have contacted at least one station in Zone 1 will be ranked. National trophy (reawarded each year). If a station outside mainland France is in the lead, a diploma will be sent instead of the trophy, but its call sign will appear on the national trophy list.
    • Honorary ranking for other stations in Zone 2.
          Regardless of the method used (manual or computerized), the log must indicate:

  •       The zone where the station is located: Zone 1, Zone 2, or Honor (in case no QSO has been made with Zone 1).
  •       Any applicable multipliers.
          Manual: report on A4-99-01 (summary) and A4-99-02 (log). Indicate the best DX (call sign, Locator, and distance); A copy of the logbook is accepted if the          information conforms to the mentioned forms.
          Computerized: report in IARU “reg1test” format. Taking into account the remarks in Annex 1. Any non-compliant computerized log will be rejected.
          Within 15 days after the contest date, to the reviewer:
  •       By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  •       By mail as published in Radio REF.
         By participating in this contest, the competitor agrees to comply with the regulations, the conditions of their authorization, and the customary rules of                   courtesy among radio amateurs. The competitor submits to the decisions of the jury in case of a dispute.

                 ANNEX 1
                To make logs received by email compatible with processing software, the contest committee has requested that certain fields in the EDI file be annotated:

  • Pexch: Definition of the participant's zone.
  • Cexcb: Number of contacts in Zone 1 in the log.
  • Received exchange: Zone of the correspondent.
  • New-exchange (N):   Zone flag
    •                            Zone 1: New-exchange = 1
    •                            Zone 2: New-exchange = 0